🔠Glossary Rufian MU
Terms and Abbreviations
BUGS - Errors within the programming of the video game that affect performance or the user experience.
PVP – Player VS player: The term player against player is used in role-playing video games to designate a modality in which two or more players face each other.
GG - Good Game / buena partida
GJ - Good Job / buen trabajo
WP - Well Played / bien jugado
GL - Good Luck / buena suerte
W8 - Wait / espera
AFK - Away From Keyboard / lejos del teclado, inactivo
BRB - Be Right Back / ahora vuelvo
ASAP - As Soon As Possible / tan pronto como sea posible
MB - My Bad / culpa mía
DPS - Damage Per Second / daño por segundo
HP - Health Points / puntos de salud
RDY - Ready / preparado
FTW - For The Win / a por la victoria, a tope
WTF - What The F*** / ¿Pero qué ***?
OMG - Oh My God / oh dios mio
JK - Just Kidding / solo bromeaba
IDK - I Don't Know / no lo sé
IRL - In Real Life / en la vida real
OMW - On My Way / voy de camino
DC - Disconect / desconectado
BTW - By The Way / por cierto
EZ - Easy / fácil
NVM - Nevermind / no importa
NP - No Problem / sin problema
TY - Thank You / gracias
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