
This is one of the most important steps to acquire materials, raise Fashion and take 100% advantage of the resources and special events that the GM places, this varies depending on the events, but the fixed ones are the following:

  • Rufian Exchange: In this first option you can create items used for journal, Special Tickets, Elements, Box Accessory, etc.

  • Talisman / Pet: As its name says, here you will find the options to upload your Talisman and Pets.

  • Fragments: In this tab you will find all the ITEMS necessary to raise the Tiers of your set, jewelry and weapon.

  • Badge Exchange: Here with your PVP Badges you can create different ITEMS, such as Mounts, Titles and special wings.

  • Fashion /Title: It is the most important tab, since knowing how to use this part will increase the power of your character faster.

  • SPECIAL CRAFT: They are events placed by the GM in Synthesis, so that players can take advantage of the acquired resources either by farming or creating in Synthesis itself.

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