
In this part we explain the marriage between characters.

  • The first thing to take into account to carry out the marriage between characters is that these must be the main characters, it does not apply to the Sub - characters, and they must be Male and Female.

  • For the marriage both characters must be on the same map.

  • Once together, you just have to click on your partner's character, and when his or her face appears, you will click on it and a menu will appear.

  • In this panel you will click on Companionship and here a Heart will appear where you just have to click on Companionship again.

  • This has the cost of 137 diamonds without a lock, a cost that is only paid by the character who sent the invitation for the marriage and your partner will have 15 seconds to accept on their screen.

  • Once the marriage is completed you will have access to the Couple Item panel, which is your wedding ring.

NOTE: You can get the items to level up your ring in the Faction Shop.

You will also find several tabs:

  • Purchase Ring: In this first tab you will acquire rings with higher Stats, you buy these with diamonds without a lock and they go up depending on their level.

  • Companion Feast:

  • C. Arena: This is a PVP event where couples face off to earn points.

  • C. Blessing: This tab is quick and direct access to the Couple Blessing rank.

  • C. Dungeon: It is a map that you can only access with your partner, both must be ON and accept to be able to enter, to kill different monsters and earn rewards.

  • Break Bond: In this you can divorce your partner, there are two ways to do it:

1- Both being ON and accepting the breakup.

2- Forcedly without your partner being ON.

NOTE: Once divorced you will lose the ring Stats until you remarry another character.

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